Official Candidate Statement

Congress and Sacramento have failed you, but I won’t hesitate to do what’s right for you and your family. I’m Ann Schneider and I’m going to be your next County Supervisor.

I’m environmentally friendly, big on innovative solutions, tough on crime, and I’d be honored to have your vote.

I’m the only candidate in this race who isn’t a “career” politician. I’ve spent eight years in the trenches of LOCAL government including the Mayor of Millbrae, and have thirty years experience working as an Environmental and Green Jobs Advocate.

I served on the Emergency Services Council, am a Board Member on the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency, and spent six weeks with first responders and victim’s families after the 2010 PG&E explosion in San Bruno. I know what it takes to keep your family safe.

As Mayor we sued to stop homeless hotels next to schools and in residential neighborhoods.

As your county supervisor, I won’t wear fancy jewelry, I won’t accept a dime in salary and I won’t ever vote to raise your taxes… But I will work hard to make your life better every single day. I’d be honored to have your vote.